Experience Excellence in Knifemaking: The Knifemakers' Guild of Southern Africa's Annual Guild Show

Prepare to immerse yourself in a showcase of unparalleled craftsmanship at the upcoming Knifemakers' Guild of Southern Africa's Annual Guild Show. Over 60 of the country's premier knifemakers, along with allied craftsmen, and suppliers of materials and equipment, will converge to present a diverse array of artistic expressions within the world of knifemaking.

Tickets Available Online From Quicket.co.za

Guild Show

Don't miss the opportunity to witness the fusion of tradition and innovation, as the Guild Show promises to be an unforgettable experience for all knifemaking enthusiasts. Join us on August 30th and 31st, 2024.

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Guild Members

Discover the talented artisans behind our Guild by exploring our members list. Click the link below to meet our skilled craftsmen and learn more about their exceptional expertise and dedication.

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Become a Member

Joining the Guild is a significant milestone in your knifemaking journey. Membership assures buyers of your craftsmanship's high quality. Learn about the benefits of becoming a Guild member, the evaluation criteria and application process.

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